Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Third Trimesterd (Week 36)

After week 20, I was soo.. busy at work + of course some lazy factors, I hardly updated little's Valene growing status... Now at week 36.. I had put on a staggering 14KG!!! from my original weight.. I used to be a petite size of only 46kg.. Today... I am 60kg!!! This is the first time in my life I had reached this remarkable weight.. Haiz.. I hope I am able to lose them all lorz..

In case you are wondering, if you are at 14kg, does that mean baby Valene is very big too?? No. Baby Valene is growing at a healthy weight of only 2.5kg. And Yes!! I gained more than 10KG on my own... You must be curious how Valene looks like now... Well.. as she is rather big in size now, her whole body couldnt be captured in the picture. The recent 4D scan done at the gynae's office was rather blur. I was only able to make out 1 of her eye in this case. I am glad to know that Valene has rather big round eyes like her mother.. =)

As the months progresses, Valene's movements could also be felt in stronger intensity too. You will be able to tell her movements either by looking at my stomach or by placing a hand on it. It has the feeling of something poking out of the stomach. Sometimes, I could even feel her bones. However, even up to today, I still couldnt make out which part of her body is poking from my stomach.. I am counting down to the day I meet her in the face.

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