Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Pacifier Nightmare

After delivery, there are sooo... many things I would love to update but was always too busy to do so.. Let me just jot this particular journal first. I will catch up on the rest later...
Just when I thought I am finally starting to adjust to Valene's schedule and she to mine, she started giving me problems today. I suspect that it is due to my continuous latch on with minimal use of bottles that cultivated this unwanted habit. She got so used to my nipples that she started throwing tantrums when I tried feeding her my expressed breast milk with a bottle. If thats not enough, she is constantly crying out for something to suck on.

I was just about to hooray that my daughter unlike other babies dislike the pacifer and was about to slap myself for the purchase of it. I was also starting to generate ideas of disposing the rest of the pacifer when today she started crying for one. To be honest, she was actually crying for my nipples. But they were so sore from her constant sucking that it sends shivers down my back whenever I give in to her cries...

Sighz.. So in order to pacify her, I had to give her the pacifier.. But I shallnt give her anymore nipples nor direct breastfeeding until she learns how to drink by the bottle again. Here's baby Valene with her pacifer...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Little Miss Giraffe

Mom bought Valene a new giraffe romper from JB yesterday. Seeing how adorable she looks in this new attire, I decided to try to capture a few shots of her in this new outfit. As it was almost her milk feeding session, I wasnt successful with a peaceful shot except when she was sleeping.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Maternity Photoshoot

Its funny sometimes. In my first trimester, I felt so lazy and tired, I could hardly go anywhere. During my 2nd trimester, I was busy sourcing for baby's stuff. Popping into baby's departmental store every time I had a chance to. Now at my 3rd trimester and about about 3 more weeks to my due date, Mummy here is getting vain.. I guess it could be because I had been through 10 months of "suffering", watching my body changes into a bloated balloon and suffering all the aches, vomit, etc. I just couldnt stand it anymore. I need to get a little pampering before I pop. Hence, I went for a makeover by Langeie to commemorate my first pregnancy.

Korean cosmetics brand, Langeie had this makeover promotion held at Bugis over the March weekend. For a nominal fee of $30, you get to enjoy a free makeover, a hairstyling session, a photoshoot, a A4 printout, a 4 piece trial kit and a $30 voucher fully redeemable for Langeie products. I decided to make use of this great offer to take my maternity shot before I pop in 2 to 3 weeks time.. Afterall, how often do I get to be of this size. Haha...

Getting myself all dolled up in preparation for the photoshoot.

Tada.. I am all set and ready now for my glam mama shot.

Taking pose.... The photographer was very friendy and guided me on the various poses to take in order for the picture to turn out better. They even had a trolley of costumes for customers to wear in order to spice up the pictures further. Rather professional....

Glam Mummy....

After a few change of costumes and a few photos taken, its photo selection time. Hmm.. The photos turn out rather well.. I just couldnt mke up my mind. As this is a maternity photoshoot, I decided to be a little more generous to myself. After a little chiding from hubby who is willing to foot the bill.. I decided to take on 2 more 5R photo prints at $35... Well.. I regretted much later... Could have paid for another $30 voucher in exchange for a A4 photoprint and another Langeie product... =( Lesson learnt.....
For 9+ months, I felt so fat and ugly that I hardly bothered to makeup, style my hair or wear fashionable clothes. I just felt like a big, fat penguin trotting around. I find my body becoming bigger and rounder, face rounder and totally ugly no matter what I do.. For once.. I felt attractive again and proud to be a mum to be. =) Here's the shots from the photoshoot. I simply love them... Glam and Pretty Mummy... keke...

And that's not all... For $228 worth of cosemetics purchase, you get to take back with you a limited edition luggage bag, a travel size make up pouch, a professional makeup pouch, several versions of trial kit sets and the chance to purchase a star buy item at $15. Seeing that I was sooo... attracted by the luggage bag.. Dear offered to purchase the cosemetics for me... Muacks.. Thanks Dear.... So all in all.. I not only get to lugged back beautiful photos for my memory keepsake.. I brought home with me lots of cosmetics and skin care products from Langeie and freebies... keke... Its Mummy's day for once.... =)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Third Trimesterd (Week 36)

After week 20, I was soo.. busy at work + of course some lazy factors, I hardly updated little's Valene growing status... Now at week 36.. I had put on a staggering 14KG!!! from my original weight.. I used to be a petite size of only 46kg.. Today... I am 60kg!!! This is the first time in my life I had reached this remarkable weight.. Haiz.. I hope I am able to lose them all lorz..

In case you are wondering, if you are at 14kg, does that mean baby Valene is very big too?? No. Baby Valene is growing at a healthy weight of only 2.5kg. And Yes!! I gained more than 10KG on my own... You must be curious how Valene looks like now... Well.. as she is rather big in size now, her whole body couldnt be captured in the picture. The recent 4D scan done at the gynae's office was rather blur. I was only able to make out 1 of her eye in this case. I am glad to know that Valene has rather big round eyes like her mother.. =)

As the months progresses, Valene's movements could also be felt in stronger intensity too. You will be able to tell her movements either by looking at my stomach or by placing a hand on it. It has the feeling of something poking out of the stomach. Sometimes, I could even feel her bones. However, even up to today, I still couldnt make out which part of her body is poking from my stomach.. I am counting down to the day I meet her in the face.