Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby Update (Week 10)

My prenancy period seem so painfully long... How I wish I learnt about this only around this time... Everyday I look forward to the growth of baby... but baby is still the size of an embyro at the moment. Baby will only start to take shape and look more like a human around week 16... Thats a painfull waiting time of about 2 more months....

Here's baby when it was at 10 weeks old..

Watched a movie, "Knocked Up" with dear yesterday. It showed how a couple went through one night stand which landed up in an unwanted pregnancy. The movie depicted the pregnancy journey that a woman had to go through.. and the changes it could make to a person. The man who was a jobless, disgusting and irresponsible guy at first slowly make changes to become a responsible father. The couple also developed feelings for each other fell in love towards the end of the show. The best part was the delivery scene whereby it gave me a rough idea what I should expect on the day of my delivery.. haha.. Disgusting but touching moment... The baby was sooo.. beautiful.. Its a girl..

My morning sickness has taken a worst turn these days... I used to vomit only air... nothing came out.. but these 2 days.. I started throwing up and more frequently too... Read somewhere that 8 weeks to 12 weeks was the worst period for morning sickness... After this time, it should get better... My appetite was not affected though... Could finish all my food without a morsel left... Must be careful... lest cannot return back to original shape after baby is born...

Must I also add that I actually frequent the toilet more often these days too... Waking up at least 3 times a night just to go to the toilet... Luckily, I could still return to sleep... Pregnancy sure isnt an easy thing... I truely admire my parents now... (Not that I dont before... but I appreciate them even more these days....) To be honest... raising a child is no easy feat... and they had went through it for 26 years (including pregnancy period)... I wonder if I could manage it as well as them.... Daddy... Mummy.. I salute you for raising Jeremy and me up. Thank You!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Baby's First Heartbeat (Week 7)

Dear and I went to see the gynae for the 2nd time since my pregnancy period. Its going to be an exciting moment for us today. We are going to see our baby's heartbeat for the very first time... keke...

As I did not really drink alot of water before the scan, the doctor found it rather difficult to scan the baby's heart for us to see. He decided to proceed with a scan from the bottom instead of via the stomach instead... And there... we saw it... It was a very small thing... I couldnt really make out the shape of the baby though... but we saw the baby's heart... It was pounding softly.... The doctor even played the baby's beating heart for us to hear.... It was a very sweet and exciting moment for Dear and I as we see our little baby growing in me....

Before today, I was afraid that I will not be able to see baby's heart and will be forced to remove baby from me. I kept engaging myself in little conversations with baby telling him/her that he/she had to be strong and be born into this world... Daddy and Mummy loves him/her very much and wants to see him/her born... We hoped to see the baby's heartbeat at the next session.. True enough.. Baby showed us his/her heartbeat... I will never forget this moment...

And here's a picture of my little hero... You can't really make out its shape yet. But you can see the 2 little hearts (left and right) from the scan...

Mummy's Woes (Week 7)

The past 2 weeks had been like a little roller coaster... Everyday is soo... unpredictable. Both emotionally and physically.. Firstly, I never know when I will be experiencing morning sickness.

Everyday, I could wake up in the morning experiencing something new... Either I feel like vomitting but nothing came out or there are barely any seats and I feel faint and uncomfortable throughout the whole journey... Because of these signs, everyday, I would make an additional effort of taking the train home from Marina Bay instead of Raffles Place. Yes.. Its about 10 minutes more into the ride... but at least I can be guaranteed a seat mah... At this time, my stomach is not big enough to convince others to give up a seat for me... They will probably brush off thinking I am just a fat young lady...haha...

My pants are getting tighter now.. I could barely button them anymore... I am changing my wardrobe to dresses and skirts instead... Vain little me always buy body hugging clothes... so now.. almost half of my collection had to be avoided to make space for the little one.. haha.. Yet, I am still too small for maternity collection.. Yah.. I ended up neither here nor there...

Emotionally, I get agitated rather easily and goes into wild thoughts quite often too... Blew up at the gal gang lately and ended up having everyone upset... Now, I dont even know when I could meet them up for dinner again.. Cos even though they didnt quite seem to mind and had kinda forgiven me for the matter... they had not really accepted my dinner invitation yet... Sighz.... To make things worst... I keep having nightmares that my boss is not happy with me at my job lately.. I kept thinking that I am losing my friends, my job, everything... And I keep all this to myself.... Well.. it could be the hormone changes that causes me to think this way... Nevertheless, I end up in nightmares and sleepless nights at times... This shouldnt be the way!!!!

Anyway, let's cast all these unhappy talks aside... Here's a picture of how baby would probably look like at 7 weeks.....

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Baby Talk (30 August 2008)

Thomson Medical hospital had organised a baby talk session for parents to be at Marina Mandarin hotel. I happened to chance upon its advertisement in a Straits Times Supplement. Seeing that it only costs S$16 per couple, I chided Dear to sign up together with me.

The talk was rather good as the doctors shared information of the types of food that we should increase in consumption and the types of food we should decrease in consumption. Dear seem to have noted these information in his head as he actually becomes very concerned about my food intake after the talk. He stopped me from eating my favourite ice cream, fast food, etc.. He said that they are unhealthy for the baby and should be avoided..haha..

Besides food concerns, there were also lessons on how to help the baby workout when the child is born. Its called Baby Yoga. Rather interesting topic. Try telling baby yoga to my mum 25 years ago, she will probably give you a blank look. Anyway, we watched the live demonstration of babies exercising in action. It was rather interesting. Both Dear and I had to remember the steps so that 1 year later when baby is born and ready for the baby yoga, we were both remember how to do it for him/ her.

The whole session ended with some live classical music performances. It was indeed a very enriching course for both of us. The $16 we paid for entitled us to refreshments and 2 very attractive goodie bags which comprised of baby toys, milk powder for both baby and mother, dinner sets for a boy and girl. It was our first baby talk and it will not be the last. We both agreed that we should attend more of such talks in the near future.

P.S: Bought a new Olympus Underwater Camera and a new 4 in 1 colour printer from the fair that day. We want to capture more baby moments and have it printed out in future.. Kiasu parents right.... =p