Friday, November 7, 2008

Week 17 (2nd Trimester)

Guess... I have been very slow in baby's update lately... Yah... Getting lazier and lazier as I slip into later stages of pregnancy... How I just admire some of those mummies who are still so active and so full of energy even when they are heavily pregnant.

I am not exactly full blown in pregnancy yet.. however, the bulge on my little tummy had become rather visible by now. Extremely big and round. I felt like a fat little hippotamus lying on the sofa couch every night after dinner.. Sighz.. Never been so fat in my life before.... Most of my pants and skirts are being dumped into the "non wearables" category by now.. And stubborn little me.. still refused to pay for those expensive maternity wear on the shelves. Instead, I have been squeezing myself into whatever old little clothes that I have before I was pregnant. I even wore my child's size Harry Potter T-shirt to sleep last night. Yes.. There its a funny sight.. but I didn't let my exposed bulging stomach bother me... keke...

Alright.. enough complaining... here's baby's growing progress update.. Baby looks more like a human now.. Can you see its little head and body?? It has a little tummy too.. keke..

Baby is now 8.97cm. Its getting more and more difficult to see baby now. During my last visit, I could still make out baby's "would be" hands and legs and its cute little head and body. But this time... I could only see baby's head and body clearly. Its little hands and legs looks like funny round stuff on the scan machine.. The gyane mentioned that as the baby continues to grow older, it will be harder to see the baby clearly...

At 16 weeks, baby's ears are already fully developed. Kiasu me have been so anxious that I started talking to baby since it was 5 weeks old. Even more so now.. The amazing part was I could feel it moving inside me at times.. =) Perhaps due to its size, Dear is still unable to feel baby moving even when I tried placing his hand on my tummy... That's one benefit which a Daddy can't enjoy. As a mummy, I gets to enjoy the early stages of bonding with baby.. Sometimes, I can even feel baby's thumping heartbeat... keke..

We have a rough conclusion of baby's gender by now... but I shall keep this a secret and will only reveal it here after my detailed scan in Dec. Meanwhile, feel free to leave a comment with your guess and see if you had guessed it correctly.